This command is used to spawn the item with the specified ID at your mouse cursor. This command is used to set the game’s universe flag to the specified flag.
This Starbound console commands is used to upgrade your ship. This command is used to start the quest with the specified ID. This command is used to disable the automatic spawning of monsters in the world you’re currently in. Here we have listed 62 working Starbound console commands for you. If you want to enter the console commands that are designed to be used by admin only then you can enter admin mode by using the ‘/admin’ command. You can use cheat commands in Starbound by clicking a forward slash or ‘/’ and entering a specific command to do a specific task. There are different ways to access the console window or cheat mode in different video games. In this article, we have included all possible Starbound console commands for you to enjoy the game. These commands make you different from other players so that you can show off with your friend too. You can customize many things or unlock any hidden features (that a normal player may not know) using these commands Starbound console commands are very useful and powerful commands that help you enhance your gaming experience. Is there a teleport command in Starbound?.Frequently Asked Questions About Starbound.